Free Random Password Generator
Use our online password generator to instantly create a secure, random password.
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Random Password Generator

How to generate a strong password
The password above is new, generated by your device when you opened this page. Click the Copy button and paste it wherever you need. If you need a new one, click Regenerate. Check the Character Types boxes or use the Password Length slider to change specifications.
The Urban VPN Password Generator uses your device to estimate the time to crack the password in the box by brute force (a computer churning through random guesses). Please note: A password that is mathematically complex but not random (such as P4s$w0rd987) might be easy to guess by searching for variations on common words or using a list of leaked passwords.

How secure is my password?
For all the talk of massive data breaches dominating the headlines, the rules for generating a secure password are actually not that complicated: Make it long, make it random, and make it unique. A 50-character password of nothing but 1s wouldn’t be random or unique, and neither would the lyrics to “Hotel California,” your kids’ birthdays, or that same password you’ve been reusing with minor tweaks for a decade. In all likelihood, nothing you could think up on your own is truly random; the human brain just doesn’t work that way.
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